Video Marketing Statics to Watch in 2023

Are you finding it difficult to connect with your target audience and achieve your marketing goals? Have you tried every marketing tactic in the book, but nothing seems to be working for you? Well, data has a better answer for you…
Statistics about video marketing have a clear message: Incorporating video marketing strategies in your overall digital marketing strategy could be the solution you’ve been searching for.
However, a whopping 48% of businesses admit that they lack the time to create video content or simply don’t know where to start. On the other hand, there’s never been a better time to invest in video marketing as the overall spending on video, in the U.S. alone, is estimated to rise to $78.5 billion by the end of 2023.
Now we look ahead to 2023 with more tools and platforms being developed to help companies create and distribute their videos easier than ever before. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into some of the most crucial video marketing statistics to watch in 2023, and try to get you going on an adventure into the video marketing world.

Before We Begin…

Yes, the adoption of video marketing strategies has become increasingly popular for companies of all sizes, however, there is always a catch… As a personalized and dynamic video platform, we feel the responsibility to point out some common mistakes and bottlenecks that must be addressed. Let’s have a quick look.
Common MistakesBottlenecks
1. Focusing too much on the production quality: It’s easy to get caught up in creating the perfect video that solves every pain point, explains every feature of a SaaS, or provides personalized offers with seamless interactivity… This can easily lead to delays in creating and distributing content thus damaging overall video marketing ROI.1. Lack of budget: Video production can be expensive, and this can be a major bottleneck. This often leads to delays in creating and distributing video content, as well as limiting the types of videos that is produced.
2. Not optimizing for search engines: Videos can be a powerful tool for SEO, but many B2B marketers fail to optimize their videos for search engines. This can limit the reach of the videos and reduce their effectiveness as a marketing strategy.2. Limited resources: B2B marketers who focus on production values rather than simple video creation struggle to create effective video content. This can limit the potential impact of videos on a company’s marketing strategy.
3. Ignoring the importance of distribution: Creating a great video is only half the battle. All B2B marketers need to make sure that their videos are being seen by their target audience. This means promoting videos across multiple channels.3. Difficulty measuring ROI: Measuring the ROI of video marketing can be challenging, and this can make it difficult for B2B marketers to justify the expense of video production.
Although video marketing efforts may seem expensive and time-consuming, they can have a really positive impact on both the business and customers. To make the most of any video content, it’s important to create content that really connects with the defined target audience, and making sure it’s optimized for search engines also goes great lengths.

Now it’s time to dive deeper and look into some numbers that lead the change.


Video Marketing Usage Statistics


The usage statistics present a clear picture of the prevalence of video marketing among companies and consumers, offering valuable insights into its broad impact. Here are some important ones for 2023:


  • The global average for daily video consumption is 84 minutes.
  • 14.9% of millennials watch 10-20 hours of videos per week.
  • 94% of marketers plan to continue video marketing in the future.
  • 32% of businesses stated that they have tried to use video as a sales tool and succeeded.

Some Actionable Items

  • [ ] Consider focusing on millennials with video content that resonates with their values.
  • [ ] Recognize the value of this medium as a long-term strategy.
  • [ ] Consider incorporating video content into your sales strategy.

Video Marketing ROI Statistics

Video marketing ROI statistics provide insights into the return on investment (ROI) that companies are seeing from their video marketing efforts. Here are some great examples:

  • 88% of video marketers report being satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts.
  • 84% of video marketers have seen a rise in lead generation via video marketing.
  • 78% of marketing professionals claim that videos have helped increase their sales.
  • 74% of marketers said they have greater ROIs with videos when compared to static imagery.
  • 94% of marketers state that video marketing has helped to increase their customers’ understanding of their business.

Some Actionable Items

  • [ ] Convince key decision-makers to invest in video marketing with these statistics.
  • [ ] Showcase your products or services using video content.
  • [ ] Leverage video to achieve better ROI, compare it to static imagery and accept congrats.

Video Marketing Financial Statistics

Video marketing costs statistics provide insights into the costs associated with creating and distributing video marketing content. Take a look at those to set a clearer picture:

  • 85% of video marketers are comfortable spending up to $5,000 on an average video.
  • 60% of content marketers plan to increase their video budget in 2023.
  • 39% of video marketers feel video marketing is becoming more expensive.
  • …but 80% said that they would create more videos if “there was an easier way”…
Some Actionable Items
  • [ ] Allocate a portion of your marketing budget to video production.
  • [ ] Try to use ready templates and collaborative tools to make video production more efficient.
  • [ ] Stay aware of the rising costs of video ads as it is becoming more expensive.

Video Marketing End-user Statistics

Video marketing end-user statistics provide insights into how consumers interact with video marketing content.

  • 96% of people turn to videos to learn more about a product or service.
  • 95% of marketers say video marketing has helped them increase brand awareness.
  • 84% of people have made a purchase after watching a brand’s video.
  • Audiences are twice as likely to share video content
Some Actionable Items
  • [ ] Use video to educate audiences about your products or services.
  • [ ] Try to add more informative and educational videos into your overall strategy.
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Concluding Remarks on Video Marketing Statistics to Watch...

To incorporate data and important statistics into your video marketing strategy, start by setting clear goals and measuring the success of your campaigns. Use A/B testing to experiment with different video formats, lengths, and messaging, and track the performance of your videos using analytics tools.

Stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in video marketing to ensure that your strategy remains effective over time.

At OmmaVQ, we’re excited to offer a video marketing platform that allows companies to create interactive,  personalized, and hyper-targeted videos. This helps you engage your target audience with the right medium, at the right time, and with the right data so you can achieve your marketing goals sooner and with more engagement.

We’re here to help, feel free to contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your video marketing to the next level.

Is Your Video Marketing Strategy Outdated? Check Out These 2023 Trends

As digital marketers, we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to reach and engage with our target audience. Over the past few years, video marketing has emerged as one of the most effective methods for achieving these goals, surpassing other forms of content marketing.

As we look ahead to 2023, we can expect to see video marketing continue to evolve and become even more popular. New and exciting trends are emerging, such as the use of augmented reality, interactive videos, and personalized video experiences. These strategies provide opportunities for businesses to create engaging and meaningful experiences for their audience, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

As techie people who deal with tech-enabled solutions, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve and embrace the latest strategies. Video marketing is no exception and surely is one of the most exciting areas to watch for 2023, the primary reason being the use of personalized and hyper-targeted videos. But before getting any deeper, let’s start with the basics and look at some of the benefits to include video in your digital marketing strategy.

5 Reasons to Use Video in Your Marketing Strategy


  1. Improved Sales: Video marketing creates engaging and personalized content, connecting better with your audience and leading to higher conversion rates, thus boosting sales.
  2. Reduced Support Calls: Informative videos addressing customer concerns can reduce support calls and free up resources for strategic initiatives.
  3. Increased Engagement: Video is an engaging medium that captures attention and leads to higher conversion rates and stronger audience connection.
  4. Improved SEO: Video content keeps visitors on your website longer, improving search engine rankings and driving traffic through social media shares.
  5. Increased Brand Awareness: Video marketing showcases products and services dynamically and memorably, standing out in a crowded marketplace and making a lasting impression on the audience.

Overall, video marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes and industries to connect with their audience in a more meaningful way. By embracing the latest trends and technologies, such as personalized and hyper-targeted videos, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and drive growth and success in 2023 and beyond.


Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023


  1. Short-form vertical videos: With the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels, short-form vertical videos are becoming increasingly popular. These videos are perfect for engaging younger audiences and can be used for product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or quick tips.
  1. Live video: Live video provides businesses with a unique opportunity to connect with their audience in real time. Facebook users watch live videos three times longer than pre-recorded videos, and live content generates six times more interactions. Brands can use live video for product launches, Q&A sessions, or even virtual events.
  2. Repurposed videos: Repurposing existing video content is a trend that is set to continue in 2023 that can save time and resources while still providing value to the audience. Businesses can repurpose longer videos into shorter clips for social media, and different platforms or even turn audio content into video and vice versa.
  3. AR/VR videos: Augmented and virtual reality videos are becoming more accessible and affordable, allowing businesses to create immersive experiences for their audience. For example, a furniture company could use AR to show customers what a piece of furniture would look like in their home.
  4. Shoppable videos: Shoppable videos allow viewers to make purchases directly from the video itself. This trend is gaining traction as more businesses look for ways to drive sales and improve conversion rates. For example, a technology company could create a video showcasing a new product and viewers could click on the features they are interested in to learn more and make a purchase.
  5. Educational videos: They are a great way to establish your business as a thought leader in your industry. These videos can provide valuable insights and information to your audience, building trust and credibility. A fintech company might create an educational video series on investing strategies or financial planning.
  6. Personalized (hyper-targeted) videos: Personalized videos are tailored to the specific needs and interests of the viewer, making them more engaging and memorable. For instance, a holiday company could create a video demonstrating a customized travel package for a potential customer based on their interests and preferences.
  7. Search-optimized videos: While SEO is not new, optimizing videos for search is highly effective. Brightedge reports that Google displays video snippets next to 26% of search results, and users are more likely to click on them. Furthermore, According to Forrester, videos are 53 times more likely to generate first-page rankings than traditional SEO techniques.
  8. Interactive videos: Interactive videos provide viewers with a more engaging and personalized experience. For example, A gaming company might create an interactive video game trailer that allows viewers to control the action and explore different game features.

Overall, the video marketing landscape is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies emerging all the time. By proactively staying up-to-date with these trends and strategically incorporating them into your video marketing strategy, you can confidently stay ahead of the curve and consistently deliver engaging, effective content to captivate your audience.

The Key Takeaways


  • Video marketing is gaining popularity and businesses should keep up with new trends and technologies.
  • Personalized and hyper-targeted videos are an exciting area in video marketing to look out for in 2023.
  • Video marketing can result in better sales, fewer support calls, higher engagement, improved SEO, and greater brand awareness.
  • Short videos and live videos are gaining popularity for engaging younger audiences and providing unique real-time opportunities.
  • Repurposing existing video content and optimizing for search can save time and resources while still providing value and improving search rankings.

At OmmaVQ, we offer cutting-edge solutions for digital marketers to create personalized videos that truly resonate with their audience. Our suite of tools includes advanced features such as real-time data, interactive widgets, flexible scenarios, and behavioral analytics, all expertly crafted to enhance engagement and drive conversions. Our pay-as-you-go subscription model is designed to be both flexible and affordable, making our platform accessible to businesses of all sizes. With OmmaVQ, you can confidently take your video marketing to the next level.

If your company is interested in stepping up the video marketing game and you feel like you’d love to lead this initiative, feel free to get in touch with us today. We offer a range of interactive and personalized video marketing tools that we’d love to tell you more about.

YouTube SEO: Tips for Higher Ranking Videos

As brands aim to differentiate themselves in today’s competitive digital landscape, video marketing has become an increasingly vital component of any effective marketing strategy. With its power to captivate and retain audience attention, video content has proven to be one of the most effective methods to build brand awareness, engage customers, and drive conversions. As a result, businesses across all sectors are investing in video production and dissemination to fulfill the growing need for engaging, visually appealing content.

However, creating videos is only the first step towards success. In a world where millions of videos are available online, it can be challenging to ensure that your content stands out. This is where YouTube comes in. As the world’s second-largest search engine and the leading video-sharing platform, YouTube has become the go-to destination for online video content. With billions of monthly active users and hundreds of hours of video uploaded every minute, YouTube offers an unparalleled opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.

In this blog post, we will share some tips, tricks, and best practices to help you optimize your video content for YouTube SEO and achieve higher rankings for your videos.

10 Tips for Optimizing Your Video Content for YouTube SEO:

  1. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that your target audience is searching for is crucial. Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find popular keywords and long-tail variations that are relevant to your video content.
  2. Create compelling and eye-catching video thumbnails that not only entice viewers to click on your videos but also accurately represent the content of your videos. Use high-quality images, bold fonts, and contrasting colors to create a thumbnail that stands out from the crowd.
  3. Craft persuasive titles and descriptions that accurately reflect the content of your videos and include your target keywords. Use active language and keep your titles short and sweet, ideally under 70 characters. In your descriptions, provide a brief summary of your video, include timestamps for key sections, and add links to related content or your website.
  4. Add relevant tags to your videos to help YouTube understand the content of your videos and rank them appropriately. Use a mix of broad and specific tags, including your target keywords and variations, and avoid using irrelevant tags that could hurt your rankings.
  5. Encourage viewers to like, comment on, and share your videos to increase engagement and boost your rankings. Ask for feedback, respond to comments, and promote your videos through email newsletters or social media posts.
  6. Use closed captions or subtitles to make your videos more accessible and improve your rankings. Not only do captions make your videos more user-friendly for viewers with hearing impairments, but they also help YouTube understand the content of your videos and rank them more accurately.
  7. Promote your videos on social media channels to increase their visibility and reach beyond YouTube. Share your videos on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram, and include a call-to-action to encourage viewers to watch your videos on YouTube.
  8. Use YouTube’s end screens and annotations to promote your other videos or encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. End screens can be used to showcase related videos, promote your website or social media channels, or add a subscribe button to your videos.
  9. Collaborate with other YouTubers in your niche to increase your reach and exposure. Find other creators with a similar audience and collaborate on videos, cross-promote each other’s channels, or create a playlist featuring each other’s content.
  10. Analyze your YouTube analytics to track your performance and make data-driven decisions. Monitor your watch time, engagement, and traffic sources to identify areas for improvement, and use tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ to optimize your metadata and improve your rankings.
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5 Best Practices to Keep in Mind for YouTube SEO:

In today’s competitive landscape, implementing powerful SEO techniques is essential for maximizing your YouTube success. By incorporating the right SEO practices, such as optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags, creating captivating thumbnails, encouraging viewer engagement, and focusing on 

video length and quality, you can significantly enhance the visibility and discoverability of your content. Stay ahead of the curve and leverage the power of SEO for YouTube to attract more viewers, increase engagement, and ultimately grow your channel.

Create Engaging and High-Quality Content

YouTube’s algorithm favors videos that are engaging, retain viewers’ attention, and receive positive feedback in the form of likes and comments. Make sure your videos are visually appealing, and informative, and offer value to your target audience.

Optimize Your Video Length

While there is no ideal length for YouTube videos, longer videos tend to perform better than shorter ones. However, it’s essential to keep your viewers engaged throughout the entire video to avoid losing their attention or interest.

Use YouTube's Free Tools and Resources

YouTube offers a range of free tools and resources to help creators optimize their videos for SEO. Use tools like YouTube Analytics, Keyword Planner, and Creator Studio to analyze your performance, research keywords, and track your progress.

Stay Up-to-Date with YouTube's Algorithm Changes

YouTube’s ranking algorithm is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay informed about updates and changes that could affect your rankings. Follow YouTube’s Creator Insider channel or attend YouTube’s Creator Academy to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

Optimize Your Video Metadata

When it comes to YouTube SEO, optimizing your video metadata is key to improving your rankings. Titles, descriptions, and tags all play a vital role in how well your videos perform in search results. Make use of keyword research specific to YouTube to identify relevant and popular keywords that align with your content. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your titles and descriptions to improve visibility. Additionally, ensure that your tags accurately describe the content of your videos. Avoid clickbait or misleading metadata that can negatively impact your rankings. By optimizing your video metadata effectively, you can increase your chances of reaching a wider audience and gaining more views on YouTube.

The Concluding Remarks on YouTube SEO

It is important to keep in mind that YouTube SEO is not a one-time task, but rather an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and patience. While it may take some time to see optimal results, it is important to remain persistent and focused on your goals. You can experiment with different strategies and techniques to achieve higher rankings and increase your visibility on the platform.

In conclusion, creating YouTube SEO strategy is a complex and ongoing process that requires consistent effort and dedication. By implementing these best practices and staying focused on your goals, you can maximize your video’s potential for YouTube SEO and achieve greater visibility and success on the platform.

How to Turn Interactive and Personalized Videos Into Data Collection Tools

Data collection is an absolutely essential aspect of any marketing campaign. The ability to collect data allows marketers to gain insights into the behavior and preferences of their target audience, enabling them to create more effective campaigns. While personalized videos have already proven to be a valuable tool in the marketing industry, they are evolving into something even more powerful and interactive.

By utilizing interactive and personalized videos, you can significantly increase your conversion rates, engagement, and customer retention. This is because interactive videos provide a more engaging and memorable experience for viewers, which helps to build a stronger connection between the viewer and the brand. Additionally, the personalized nature of these videos means that viewers are more likely to feel a sense of connection and loyalty to the brand.

Marketers can gain deeper insights into their audience through data collection, allowing for more targeted campaigns. Data can identify trends and patterns, helping marketers anticipate changes in consumer behavior. These insights can inform decisions about resource allocation and channel optimization, resulting in more effective campaigns with wider reach.

In this post, we will explore the various ways in which interactive and personalized videos can be transformed into highly effective data collection tools, and how marketers can utilize this data to create more effective and engaging campaigns.

The Importance of First-Hand Data Collection

First-hand data collection is crucial to the success of any marketing campaign. It is considered to be one of the most effective ways of gathering information about the behavior and preferences of the target audience. By collecting data directly from the source, marketers can gain a more in-depth understanding of their audience and create campaigns that are more personalized and effective.

One of the most significant advantages of first-hand data collection is that it allows marketers to identify trends and patterns that may not be obvious at first glance. This can be particularly useful when it comes to anticipating changes in consumer behavior. By staying ahead of the curve, marketers can tailor their campaigns to meet the changing needs of their audience.

There are various methods of collecting first-hand data, including surveys and interactive videos. These methods not only provide marketers with valuable insights into their audience but also allow for more engagement and interaction with consumers. This can help to build stronger relationships between brands and their customers.

In summary, first-hand data collection is an essential aspect of any marketing campaign. It provides marketers with direct insights into the behavior and preferences of their target audience, allowing them to create more effective and targeted campaigns. By utilizing first-hand data collection methods, marketers can gain a deeper understanding of their audience and create more personalized and effective campaigns.

Understand Your Audience

Before creating an interactive and personalized video, you should have a clear understanding of your target audience. You should know their preferences, interests, and pain points. Understanding your audience is key in creating a video that resonates with them and collects valuable data.

To gather this information, there are a few options to consider. One is conducting surveys, which can provide valuable feedback from customers or potential customers. Another option is analyzing data from social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, to gain insights into customer behavior or sentiment. Additionally, reviewing data from past campaigns can help identify trends or areas for improvement. By utilizing these various methods, you can gather a wealth of information to inform your marketing strategy and improve its effectiveness.

Identify the Data You Want to Collect

unnamed The next step is to identify the type of data you want to collect. You can collect data such as email addresses, phone numbers, location, feedback, and more. Once you have identified the data you want to collect, you can create an interactive and personalized video that prompts the viewer to provide the information you need.

For example, while a personalized video for a fashion brand could ask the viewer to provide their size and style preferences, an interactive video for an online marketplace could prompt the viewer to provide feedback on their experience with the marketplace or to rate their satisfaction with the service. By identifying the specific data you want to collect, you can create a video that is tailored to your needs and goals.

Create an Interactive and Personalized Video

Now it’s time to create an interactive and personalized video that collects the data you need. You can use OmmaVQ, which is a great tool that helps you to engage your audience. It allows you to add interactive elements to your personalized videos such as quizzes, surveys, and polls. These interactive elements can be used to collect valuable insights about your viewers, such as their preferences, interests, and needs. This information can then be used to improve your marketing strategies and create more personalized and effective videos.

Additionally, OmmaVQ offers a range of customization options, including different themes, colors, and fonts, which can be used to create a video that reflects your brand’s identity and values. With OmmaVQ, you can create a video that not only engages your audience but also provides you with valuable data that can help you to improve your marketing efforts.

Promote Your Interactive Video

Once you have created your interactive and personalized video, you need to promote it. You can promote your interactive video  by sharing it on social media, embedding it on your website, or sending it via email. The more people view your video, the more data you can collect. You can also use paid advertising to reach a wider audience and collect more data.

Analyze Your Data

After collecting your data, you need to analyze it to gain insights into your audience. By analyzing your data, you can understand your audience’s behavior, preferences, and pain points. This information can help you to create more personalized and interactive videos in the future. For example, if you notice that a large portion of your audience is interested in your product’s sustainability, you can create a personalized video that highlights your brand’s commitment to the environment.

Use Data to Improve Your Campaigns

Once you have analyzed your data, it’s time to put it to use. By utilizing the insights gained from your data, you can create more personalized and effective campaigns. For example, if you notice that a large portion of your audience is interested in a particular product or service, you can create a targeted campaign that highlights that product or service. Additionally, you can use data to create more personalized videos that resonate with your audience, increasing engagement and retention. By using data to inform your marketing strategy, you can create campaigns that are more effective and efficient, ultimately driving growth and revenue for your business.

How OmmaVQ Ensures the Security of Your Data

unnamed 1 It is crucial to handle the data collected from interactive and personalized videos with utmost care and in strict compliance with relevant privacy laws. Moreover, it is essential to make sure that viewers are informed about the data that is being collected and its intended use. By being transparent about data collection, you can establish trust with your audience and create a more positive relationship between them and your brand.

At OmmaVQ, we take data privacy and security very seriously. Our platform is GDPR compliant, which means that it conforms to the rigorous data protection regulations outlined by the European Union. This implies that any data collected through interactive and personalized videos during data collection procedure created with OmmaVQ is subject to the same high level of privacy and security standards as those of tech giants.

To safeguard the data collected through our platform, OmmaVQ employs state-of-the-art security measures such as encryption, secure storage, and regular backups. This ensures that the data is protected against loss or unauthorized access. By leveraging OmmaVQ, marketers can rest assured that the data collected through their interactive and personalized videos is safeguarded by security that meets the highest industry standards.

The Concluding Remarks on Data Collection from Videos

To sum up, interactive and personalized videos are an exceptional method for gathering valuable data. By adhering to the steps outlined above, you will be able to build an interactive and personalized video that gathers the data you require. Always keep in mind to scrutinize your data to acquire insights into your audience and enhance your marketing campaigns. With the proper tools and strategy, you can transform your personalized videos into potent data-gathering tools.

It’s essential to see interactive and personalized videos as an opportunity to learn more about your audience. By understanding their preferences, needs, and pain points, you can deliver a personalized experience that leaves a lasting impression. This, in turn, can help build brand loyalty and increase the likelihood of customer retention.

Remember that interactive and personalized videos are not just a means to an end. Rather, they are a powerful tool that can help you to create a more effective and engaging marketing strategy. Take advantage of the valuable data you can collect to optimize your campaigns and stay ahead of the competition.

In conclusion, interactive and personalized videos are a must-have for modern marketers. By utilizing them to collect valuable data, you can create a more targeted and personalized experience for your audience. With the right tools and strategy, you can turn your videos into powerful data collection tools that drive growth and revenue for your business.